Da je malinarstvo danas profitabilan posao, pokazuje primjer iz Brigova kod Bužma. Jusuf Kovačevioć, penzioner, jedan je od jauspješnijih proizvođača po jednom dunumu. 2019 godine ubrao je tri tone što je bio jedinstven primjer u cjeloj zemlji. Priču donosi Suad Begić...
KRAJICA COUNTRY, April 3 - Last year will be remembered for the great drought, but also for the excellent purchase price of raspberries. Many plots were damaged due to high temperatures, so the yields were almost halved. But the price for that was the best since the end of the war. On the slopes of Bužim is the little boy Jusuf Kovačević, who often records records in this production. These are pictures from last year, when Yusuf had excellent yields with an excellent treatment, despite the great drought.